City People: Wolf. 20x15
City People: Emily. 20x15
City People: Joan. 20x15
City People: Chelsea. 20x15
City People: Phillip. 20x15
Olena. 10x10
Intentions can never be seen. 10x10
Breezy. 7x5
Water Dance. 7x5
Lisa. 13x10
Intitulada. 18x14
Marianella on the Beach,16x9
Golden Lady. 26x18
Prince of Affairs (study). 5.5x7.5
Carol En Robed. 13x10
Petya. 18x12
Skipper Tacking. 15x16
Girl With Earbuds. 10x7.5
Yesterday’s Today’s Tomorrows. 26 x 13
Her. 12x16
My Manet. 8x10
Untitled. 12x11
Rehearsal. 8x10
Petya. 15x11
Carol. 13x11